Throwing out sourdough

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Joined: 2018-03-11 23:10
Throwing out sourdough

Hi Chef!  First post for me!  Just want to start by saying what an awesome resource this whole website is.  I never really loomed at the forums but I follow the podcasts closely, and even watch videos sometimes.

I have a question about sourdough, which was brought up again while listening to episode 34.  You explained that you have to throw out some of the dlugh to get rid of the acid, other places i beleive you said to pour of alcohol.

What I dont get is, that if you do the math, if i start w 1000g of starter on day one, when you pour off half on day 2 and replenish, you have 500g of day 1 starter, 500 day 2.  On the 3rd day, we get 250 day 1, 250 day 2, and 500 day 3. On day 4: 125 each days 1&2, 250 day 3, 500 day 4.

Day 5: 62.5 days 1 and 2, etc.  So how are we going to get different results than just starting with 62.5g starter, adding 62.5 on day 2, 125 on day 3, etc?