Learning to like certain foods

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Joined: 2014-05-15 10:11
Learning to like certain foods

Hey fellow enthusiast,
This is my first time posting; hello everyone! I have been coming to the site for a while, mainly for the videos and podcasts, but for some reason never the forums. Well here I go. I love cooking, absolutely passionate about it! If I wasn't already a photographer and working on starting that business, I would go into becoming a chef. However my ambitions drive me to become the best possible cook I can be anyway. My main issue is there are many items of food that I do not like, and as someone who wants to become a really good cook, it frustrates me.

The basic items that I do not like are; onions, tomatoes and peppers. I use onions a lot in my cooking, but I can't actually bring my self to eat it in the disk. This limists me greatly, those 3 items are almost staples, and I would love to learn to like them. 

Is there a way to train palate to being to enjoy these items. Now there is also a huge list of other things I don't enjoy, like olives, sardines, and various other things that are more specialty and it doesn't really bother me that I don't enjoy them.

Anyone have similar issues or a good way to get around this, or learn to like them?

Thanks and I look forward to continuing to learn a lot from this amazing site.