Glutamate and Umami

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Chris Klindt
Joined: 2015-12-21 04:11
Glutamate and Umami

I see a lot of bad press about the side effects of MSG. From what I have found with research is most is unfounded claims and that glutamate is bad for a person.

I found this parcel list . Does anyone one have a better list?

I like to cook with MSG, sardines, anchovies and anchovie paste, Marmite, soy sauce, etc...

I saw a recipe where the person was complaining about MSG in a commercial Hidden Valley Ranch mix so decided to make their own without using MSG so the person added dried mushrooms to the ground up blend. The creator started the mushrooms really made a difference. I had to smile since one glutamate source was changed out for another glutamate source.

What I do not understand is free and bound glutamate source.
