Processing flavor loss

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Joined: 2014-05-24 06:33
Processing flavor loss

Cheif Jacob eta

I have noticed that when i process foods for long term storage ie. canning or freezing it loses flavor. Mostly in the form of characteristics that were present when fresh. I think I know why in part.

The freezing causes a rupture of cells by the expansion of the water in the cells and the canning also breaks down the cells releasing water.

Two examples. Home made salsa and home made hot link sausage.

Both had a good snap (heat factor) when fresh, but as soon as I processed them by canning (the salsa) or freezing (the sausage) they lost quite a bit of that snap and over all the flavor balance.

This is not limited to just these two examples. They just have a similar charateristic (heat).

My question.

Is there a way to keep that balance in flavor or heat so that after processing they still have the characteristics of the fresh?

Maybe not but hey ones gotta ask.
