
Spätzle | Basic Recipe

Spätzle is a simple egg noodle, almost resembling a dumpling, that I first fell in love with while an exchange student in Germany. My host mother would always serve the Spätzle with some sort of meat and rich gravy that these delicious little noodles would absorb like sponges.

HCC 006| What Is Pancetta and How To Make It

How to Make Pancetta - Video Technique

Pancetta in its simplest form is salted and cured pork belly that is native to Italian Cuisine and loved throughout the world. Commonly referred to as "Italian Bacon," pancetta's major difference from it's American counterpart is its lack of smoke. Pancetta is commonly flavored with different seasonings and spices, with each region of Italy, (and chef for that matter), having their own preferential spice blend.

SCS 011| Béchamel Sauce - Five French Mother Sauces Part 3

The Five French Mother Sauces

In part three of our mother sauce series, this lesson focuses on Béchamel Sauce, from which many milk and cream based sauces are derived. We continue our discussion on thickeners, including white wash, beurre manié, corn starch and arrow root. And in the culinary quick tip, how to make a simple macaroni and cheese using a common Béchamel derivative, Mornay.

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